FIEC Code of Conduct and Complaints Policy

Code of Conduct

The FIEC Code of Conduct (click to read it) sets out the behaviour that is expected of all FIEC staff, FIEC church representatives and FIEC Associates. FIEC recognises that there may be occasions when people behave in a way that is, or appears to be, in breach of the Code of Conduct.

Complaints Policy

Any person who believes that a person who is subject to the Code of Conduct has acted in breach of it may make a complaint in accordance with the FIEC Complaints Policy (click to read it).

This policy is intended to ensure that FIEC handles complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. FIEC’s complaint management procedures are intended to:

  1. Enable FIEC to respond to issues raised by people making complaints in a God honouring, timely and cost-effective way;

  2. Boost the confidence of those working with FIEC or FIEC churches in FIEC’s administrative process, and;

  3. Provide information that can be used by FIEC to deliver quality improvements in FIEC’s services, staff and complaint handling.

FIEC Complaints Committee

FIEC has a Complaints Committee which will consider each matter and act to investigate a complaint in a timely way.

The FIEC Complaints Committee is made up of:

Allan Asher / Roy Davidson / Jenni Woodhouse / David Logan KC / Alan Radloff

Three people from the Complaints Committee will be invited to investigate a complaint.

Making a complaint

Complaints must be made in writing using the FIEC Complaint Form (Appendix B of the Complaints Policy). An online version of the form can be found here. Complainants are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible of the alleged breach of the Code of Conduct by, for example, identifying when, where and what is alleged to have happened by whom and to whom.

If you do not use the online version of the form, please send a pdf to or a hard copy to: Attn: National Director
PO Box 5170
Lyneham, ACT 2602

If the complaint is about the National Director, the complaint should be directed to the FIEC Chairman:
Attn: Chairman
PO Box 5170
Lyneham, ACT 2602

If you have any questions about making a complaint, please email or call 0431203616 to talk to Dean Ingham, the FIEC Operations Manager.