Welcome to the newest members of FIEC


A warm welcome to Kingsway Evangelical Church (Hunters Hill, Sydney) and Church of the Risen King Jesus (Middleton Grange, Sydney) as they join us as the newest members of the fellowship.

It is great to have two new church plants in the Sydney area join us. We are looking forward to working with the pastors, Paul Oh and Grant Borg, and their church members, as we reach Australia for Christ.

Cancelled - The FIEC 2021 National Conference


Due to the continuing situation in Greater Sydney, we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 FIEC National Conference.

We are planning on recording the talks that Al Stewart was to give on ‘Delight in the Kingdom’ and will make them available online.

For our Senior Pastors, we will be running an online meeting on Wednesday, 1 September. More information on that coming soon.

For those people who have registered for the conference, refunds will be processed in the next week.

Planning for the FIEC 2022 National Conference is already underway - save the date: 5-8 September, 2022.
